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Именно сегодня, 9 ноября, каждый настоящий мужчина должен надеть килт и продемонстрировать свое мужское достоинство!!! *мне кажется, или фраза вышла слишком двусмысленной?*

Надо обязательно сходить на сайт kiltday.com, и узнать все об албанских килтах(сайт на английском). Цитата:
There are actually a wide variety of traditional, kilt-like, ethnic outfits worn by men throughout the world; such as the Albanian kilt (also known as a Greek fustanella), Japanese hakama, East African kikoi, Indian lungi, Mexican and Native American sapeta, Fijian sulu, Tongan tupenu, sarongs and lava-lavas found in Greater Polynesia (the Pacific Islands), as well as unbifurcated robe and tunic-type outfits such as the Japanese kimono and yukata, African dashiki, Middle Eastern caftan, Moroccan djellabah, Polish giermak, Egyptian galabiyah, Himalayan gho, Burmese longyi and a host of various cassocks and robes regularly worn by the Clergy of most religions, whether it be on a daily basis or for most special occasions and ceremonies.