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Here is the thing with Sosuke. He could have easily, EASILY been written out of the series without much impact on anyone else! Seriously, go rewatch Free! Eternal Summer and mentally edit out Sosuke. His training of Nitori? Rin or even Captain Mikoshiba could easily have taken over that role. Sosuke inspiring Rin to finally communicate his vision of a relay team to Samezuka? Nitori was plenty determine to make that team and Nitori’s determination could have easily moved Rin. His place in the Samezuka relay team, there were stock characters in Samezuka this season who could have been given that job with just enough development to make us care about them. Sosuke, the Sosuke who is Rin’s childhood friend and best friend, was not remotely necessary.
читать дальшеAm I happy he was included? Yes because as a character he’s great! But as a contributor to the season he could have been so much better integrated and, for that matter, given a better story arc. Because Sosuke’s story arc was pretty terrible too!
The problem with Sosuke’s story arc is, similar to Rin’s in that, by the end of the season, Sosuke is not significantly a different person from episode 1. Because once all the chips were revealed, it was clear that Sosuke had made peace with his injury a long time ago. So when Sosuke entered the series in episode 1, he was already injured, had already decided to quit and already made peace with his dream being wrecked by his own action of over training. None of these things materially changed during the course of the season. Only thing that happened was that he got to swim with Rin one last time and he did see a sight he hadn’t seen before. But he was still set to quit.
I mean, yes, we did get Rin telling Sosuke he would wait for him and Sosuke saying he would think about it but it was left ambiguous on purpose. But I am sorry, but I must disagree with the director’s choice because I don’t think that was a good way to end Sosuke’s story arc. For me personally, a better story for both Rin and Sosuke would have been for Rin to find out about Sosuke’s shoulder after the prefecture tournament and then spend the rest of the season trying to convince Sosuke not to give-up.
Maybe in the process Rin could really learn to see things from other people’s perspectives, thus giving some real weight to his apology to Haru in episode 12 and not have it immediately negated once Haru did decide on pro-swimming, For Sosuke part, he might realise that he was giving-up too quickly and change his mind about quitting or convince Rin that sometimes you just have to let go. Which would have been a valuable lesson for Rin because when to slow down, when to quit is an issue with pro-athletes. But instead we got Rin with no character arc or at least no significant character arc and Sosuke ended-up being a character whose impact on the story and the other characters was ridiculously minimum! Maybe I misunderstood KyoAni’s pre-season marketing but I was under the impression that Sosuke would have a bigger part to play.Там еще много интересного про Макото, Хару и Рина. Не могу сказать, что девочка так уж не права. Но честное слово, нельзя же быть такой скучной! Представляю, каким унылым был бы сериал, если бы действие в нем развивалось но написанному ею сценарию.